Entropic Harvest
Grow your stars and Harvest them.
By destroying a star, you leave the opportunity for many new stars to appear! And thus, the Harvest begins.
Types of stars
- Low-mass Stars (red dwarfs): Starts red, turns white and grows as it ages. Transforms into white dwarf and doesn't release matter. White dwarfs will fade away slowly
- Medium-mass Stars (Sun-like): Starts yellow-ish, turns red and grows rapidly at the end of its life. Explodes and releases matter, the bigger the star, the more matter is released. If it becomes big enough, it will transform into a neutron star, which will fade away after a while.
- High-mass Stars: Starts white, turns red and grows very large as it ages. Will transform into a black hole. Black holes will attract every celestial body and consume them. Be very careful to not let them appear!
The Matter floating around can combine.
When it does, their mass gets added. Once it reaches a certain point, it can transform into a star! The bigger the cloud, the bigger the star will be.
Careful! Really big clouds can transform into High-mass Stars, which will create a black hole.
Your Role in the Ecosystem
As the player, you have several abilities to let you influence the universe around you.
Interact with left click on the celestial bodies:
- Clicking on a star will accelerate its aging
- Clicking on small clouds of matter will consume them and add it to your energy
- Clicking on big clouds of matter will turn them into stars
You can also use right click to move around, use the scroll wheel to zoom in and out, and press Escape to reset the game and start anew.
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Click download now to get access to the following files:
entropic_harvest.x86_64 79 MB
entropic_harvest.exe 96 MB
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